Adding your business on MyDeskAway platform will get you many benefits:
Generate new income, welcome after the health crisis
Guarantee a better filling rate at all times
Improve your web presence at no extra cost
Attract a whole new clientele looking for friendly venues
Easily enable online booking of your space in few clicks
Reservation requests work in two ways depending on your choice. Either the client’s request is approved automatically without any intervention from you, or you can choose to approve manually the customer’s submission.
Your availability calendar is automatically updated according to the reservations:
If it is a private space (office, meeting room), the time slot closes automatically and no longer take bookings into account.
For a shared space (restaurant, coworking room, …), the number of available places is calculated in real time according to the capacity you have indicated.
In addition, the platform is free of charge and we only charge a 10% commission on successful transactions. Our fees are directly deducted from the amount you receive in your account.